The Tale of Vera Renczi, Who Killed 34 Men Who Became Her Lovers

A woman reclines in a cellar among the coffins. She said to the investigating authorities, “This is my son.” “He is threatening to report me.” Each of the 35 coffins contained the bodies of men who had been her companions.

L. Small
4 min readDec 18, 2022
Actress Vera Fyodorovna Komissarzhevskaya, frequently misidentified as Vera Renczi. Source.

There are several instances of serial murder around the globe. The majority of criminals are male, although certain crimes are also perpetrated by women.

The distinction is that if a woman has a propensity to murder those closest to her, that can include her family members, her boyfriend, and even her children.

Vera Renczi is one of many female serial killers around the world. Vera Renczi was a psychopath who murders her partners because she does not wish to be abandoned. This woman is often referred to as the “Black Widow” since she frequently wears black clothing.

In May 1925, the initial report on the case was published in the United States.

Vera Renczi was born in 1903 in Bucharest, Russia, to a wealthy family, where she enjoyed all the luxuries that affluence affords. Vera, a lovely and voluptuous young woman, began sexually engaging males at age 15. Her penchant…



L. Small

"One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible" ~Genghis Khan~