The Bear Brook Murder Mystery
In 1985, a group of deer hunters in Bear Brook State Park found the bodies of two people inside a rusty drum. 15 years later, a drum was found not far from the site of the first discovery.
In 1985, a group of deer hunters in Bear Brook State Park found the bodies of two people inside a rusty drum. The bodies were unrecognizable due to the long period of decomposition. 15 years later, a drum was found not far from the site of the first discovery. Inside the drum were the bodies of two children, one of whom turned out to be related to the corpse 15 years ago.
That day, November 10, 1985, was a shocking day for deer hunters who were hunting in the Bear Brook State Park area near Allenstown, New Hampshire. They accidentally found a dead body inside a 55-inch drum lying rusted in one corner of the park. The bodies were unrecognizable, even after years of discovery. This case is known as the Bear Brook Murders, also known as the Allenstown Four.
The two bodies found in the drum in 1985 were found wrapped in plastic garbage, so they didn’t attract much attention. The condition of the corpses was also one of bones with hair and teeth still attached.